Joëlle Ciocco
Joëlle Ciocco, biochemist, cosmetologist and founder of Epidermologie® started the all natural skin care company over 20 years ago in Paris, France.
"From your birth you have a cutaneous flora consisting of good and bad bacteria lying on the surface and in the superficial layers of your epidermis and forming a complex ecosystem. All are necessary for a healthy balance.
With time, intrinsic, as your skin loses its acidity with age, and extrinsic, city pollution, but also your cosmetics’ use deregulate this cutaneous flora leading to the development of bad bacteria, disparition of good bacteria and disturbance of skin breathing. The secret to a radiant skin lies in its ability to breathe in order to eliminate toxins! Train your skin resilience to its primary mission, in order to protect the natural cutaneous flora.
Thanks to the adequate cosmetics and cutomized treatments Epidermologie® activates the natural anti aging existing in the layers of your cutaneous tissues and guarantees you a radiant and healthy skin."