Dr. Nigma Talib Supplements
Dr. Nigma Talib, is a Naturopathic Doctor based in Los Angeles, California.She is also the founder of Healthydoc clinics previously located in West Vancouver and London, England.
Dr.Nigma has been awarded by the Princeton Global Professional and Business Leaders in recognition of her work as "a pioneer and leader to the Naturopathic medical profession and to have provided immeasurable contributions to healthcare."
She gives the public the knowledge to enable them to help correct their own health issues through the application of cutting edge dietary, supplemental and functional laboratory testing guidance. Her goal is that educating by educating the public and the wellness world about the root cause of illness where modification of genetic expression is possible to allow for optimal health and well-being versus is a one size fits all model.
With more than 17 years of experience in the complementary therapy field, Dr. Nigma encompasses all the modalities of Naturopathic practice: Acupuncture/Applying principles of Chinese medicine, botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, homeopathy, and lifestyle counselling, that allow the patient to attain personalized remedies.